Maine Tax Lawyer

IRS Tax Resolution : James D. Wade

With the year coming to an end you might be worrying about your outstanding IRS debts and how to get an IRS tax resolution. That is not something you should or want to try and tackle on your own, make the best decision and call an experienced lawyer. James D. Wade of The Law Offices of James D. Wade knows…

Tax Lawyer in Maine : James Wade

Have you found yourself in the position of needing a tax lawyer in Maine? If so, let me tell you about a highly qualified individual, James Wade. The Law Offices of James D. Wade has spent years working with the tax law, both on the federal level as well as the state level. No matter if you’re in need of…

Maine Lawyer

Are you in search of a Maine lawyer? If you’re looking for an advocate, knowledgeable Maine lawyer in the areas of personal injury, workers compensation, employment and labor relations or just some general counsel, Alex McCann is the one to call. Whether something has gone wrong, or you’re looking for a Maine lawyer to keep you in the right lane…

IRS Audits in Maine

Have you find yourself dealing with IRS audits in Maine? If you have either gotten a call or a letter from the IRS and you’re in search of some help and support, The Law Offices of James Wade should be your first call. It is true that less than 1% of all filed individual tax returns are audited by the…

Maine Tax Law

There are a number of different scenarios in which having a Maine tax lawyer would be beneficial. When you’re just trying to learn the tax consequences of a specific transaction, or you’ve found yourself in trouble with the IRS or the Maine Revenue Services. A Maine tax lawyer could also be helpful with tax returns or someone like James D.…

Southern Maine Lawyer

There is one Southern Maine lawyer that really knows his stuff, Steven Cope from Cope Law Firm. He works in a few different areas of law including bankruptcy, business law, commercial litigation, insurance and utilities. If you have found yourself in a situation which falls under any of those area of law, you don’t have to go it alone. Having…

Dealing With IRS Audits

I am sure I am not alone in not wanting to dealing with an IRS audit. Even if you know there is nothing fraudulent with your tax return, being audited can be scary and overwhelming. That is why I think it is important to have someone with experience dealing with IRS audits on your side. That is why I am…

Dealing With IRS Audits

If you have found yourself in the 1% of individuals dealing with IRS audits, don’t worry, there is a Maine attorney that is here to help! Not matter what your situation you do run the risk of being audited by the IRS, this is because each and every return is run through a computer program. This program is designed to…

The Law Office of James D. Wade, Tax Lawyer

There are a lot of different situations that require the help from a tax lawyer, but then there are other situations that you may not think a tax lawyer would help. Let me tell you, when dealing with the IRS or the Maine state revenue services, having a tax lawyer on your side will always help. The Law Offices of…

James D Wade : Tax Law

It’s almost that time again, tax time! Depending on your situation filing your taxes can be an overwhelming and scary things, but you don’t have to do it alone! James D Wade has years of experience working with the people of Maine about tax law. He will take the time to sit down with you and go over your situation…