Maine Tax Law

Tax Debt in Maine

Have you found yourself struggling to resolve your Tax Debt in Maine? Than it might be time to get in touch with a professional like James Wade. Trying to resolve tax debt either with the IRS or your local state can be overwhelming. That’s why the professionals at The Law Office of James D. Wade has made it their mission…

IRS Tax Resolution : James D. Wade

With the year coming to an end you might be worrying about your outstanding IRS debts and how to get an IRS tax resolution. That is not something you should or want to try and tackle on your own, make the best decision and call an experienced lawyer. James D. Wade of The Law Offices of James D. Wade knows…

IRS Audits in Maine

Have you find yourself dealing with IRS audits in Maine? If you have either gotten a call or a letter from the IRS and you’re in search of some help and support, The Law Offices of James Wade should be your first call. It is true that less than 1% of all filed individual tax returns are audited by the…

Maine Tax Law : James D. Wade

With all the do it yourself tax programs available nowadays you might be asking yourself, why do I need to hire a tax attorney? Depending on your situation you may not need to hire a tax attorney, but having someone who knows the Maine tax law and the federal tax law on your side can make a big difference. The…