There are a number of different situations you could find yourself in that you’d be better off having a Maine general counsel on your side. Most people do not WANT an attorney or want to pay to hire an attorney. If something has gone wrong in your life it might be essential that you do. You are going to need someone with the experience and knowledge to help you. Alex McCann in someone you can count on, someone who treats their clients with compassion and understanding and is concerned for your future.
If you’re looking for Maine general counsel look no further than Alex McCann. He has over 30 years of experience with Maine litigation, working for clients as well as other lawyers and firms. When you work with Alex McCann you get more than just one attorney on your side. He has spent to long in the industry that he knows who the good attorneys are, and what their specialties are. He only refers his clients to attorney’s he knows care as he does and realize that it’s a privilege to be able to represent you. If Alex McCann does not have the specific experience required to help you with your case, he can recommend a trusted colleague who does.
What’s better than having an entire team of Maine general counsel on your side? Make the choice to work with Alex McCann and you’ll get more than you bargained for. Alex McCann has expertise in many areas of the law, but he also knows that one person cannot excel at everything. That’s why he has surrounded himself with experienced, trusted colleagues that he knows he can refer his clients to, and they will be taken care of.