IRS Audits

IRS Offer in Compromise

If you’re in need of guidance and help with figuring out your IRS offer in compromise, be sure to get in touch with the Law Offices of James D. Wade. This professional staff makes it their mission to help all Mainer’s in need. I don’t know about you, but when it comes to dealing with the IRS. I get very…

IRS Tax Resolution : James Wade

If you’re feeling overwhelmed with IRS tax debt, you might be in search of a IRS Tax Resolution from the law office of James Wade. This Maine tax lawyer has the knowledge and experience to help pretty much anyway any Mainer struggling with the IRS. Trying to personally navigate and negotiate with the IRS is too much for everyday people…

IRS Audits: James D. Wade

Dealing with IRS Audits can be an overwhelming, scary process, which is why you need an experienced lawyer like James D. Wade on your side! It is said that less than 1% out of all individual tax returns filed are audited. That number might seem small, but don’t let it fool you, you should never put aside the risk of…

IRS Audits in Maine

Have you find yourself dealing with IRS audits in Maine? If you have either gotten a call or a letter from the IRS and you’re in search of some help and support, The Law Offices of James Wade should be your first call. It is true that less than 1% of all filed individual tax returns are audited by the…

Dealing With IRS Audits

I am sure I am not alone in not wanting to dealing with an IRS audit. Even if you know there is nothing fraudulent with your tax return, being audited can be scary and overwhelming. That is why I think it is important to have someone with experience dealing with IRS audits on your side. That is why I am…