Portland Maine Lawyers like Alex McCann are here to help Mainers. Alex specializes in helping Working Mainers get the fair treatment they deserve. He works in workers comp, physical injury, and employment/labor relations. Additionally, Alex is a great general counsel to add to your legal team. If you have lawyers who are already leading your case, he is happy to jump on as an expert in his field. Advising and lending his experience and knowledge to your team could be tremendously valuable. Alex has fought for Mainer’s rights and has even presented in front of the Maine Supreme Court, helping to extend the rights of hard-working Mainers.

Portland Maine Lawyers
Check out Alex’s website for more specific information on his services. He and his staff are ready and waiting to help you with your workers’ compensation case. If you feel you have been wronged or discriminated against, it couldn’t hurt to see if you have a case. This has to be more than general unhappiness with your work. When you are harassed, discriminated against, or injured on the job, you are entitled to fair compensation.
Alex McCann leads his own firm. After working with a larger firm, he decided it was better for him and his clients if his hands weren’t tied by others’ decisions. He is dedicated to making the right decisions for his clients. Learn more on his website. Check out his services and how he can help you. Don’t delay.