James D. Wade : Tax Law

James D. Wade : Tax Law

You may be wondering, why do I need to hire a tax lawyer? I know that almost everyone has questions and maybe even concerns when it comes to the tax man. James Wade believes that asking for help or advice about tax law should not be a taboo. He loves to take the time to break down the tax law into plain English that anyone can understand. James knows that you have so much better things to do with your time than try and decode the tax laws. When you go to James Wade you can expect nothing less than ad own to earth man, with years of experience.

What exactly can a tax lawyer help you with? Here’s an idea of the types of questions that James can help you with. If you’re wondering what kind of entity you should use for your business, either LLC, S-Corporation or a Corporation, James Wade can help you figure that out! Perhaps you’re wondering if it’s possible to make your business “audit-proof” just in case the IRS comes knocking, James Wade is your man! There are a number of situation wheres a tax lawyer would come in handy, such as how to set up retirement funds, best way to avoid taxes when selling your business or what taxes your might be in for. There’s no limit to the knowledge and expertise of James D. Wade when it comes to tax law.

Not only can James Wade help you out before you run into the IRS, he can also help if the IRS comes knocking. He will tell you nothing but the truth when it comes to how you and your family will be effected. He will be completely honest with you, he will not sugar coat anything but will explain it in a way that will make sense. Don’t find yourself without good representation when dealing with the IRS, get yourself an experienced tax lawyer today.